India canada relation: Business as a bulwark against conflict didn’t work in Russia vs. West. Ditto for India vs. Canada?

India canada relation: Business as a bulwark against conflict didn’t work in Russia vs. West. Ditto for India vs. Canada?

here could be a temporary slowdown in the growth of India-Canada business ties because of the recent diplomatic tussle, but the long-term optimism remains unchanged, experts say.


The geopolitical equation between India and Canada has been frosty for a while, but the investment relationship would suggest otherwise. Canadian funds have been highly active in the country. The question is whether that momentum will continue and mutual economic interest will survive the latest diplomatic tension.

The diplomatic flashpoint between India and Canada has cast a shadow, hopefully a temporary one, over the growing economic interest between both countries. In recent years, the cash-rich North American country has found the fast-growing Indian economy as a favourite investment destination. This has worked well for India’s capital requirements to fuel its growth aspirations. Overall, according to data from National Securities Depository Limited

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