smaaash: SMAAASH gaming centers to open at 3 new locations with new concepts

smaaash: SMAAASH gaming centers to open at 3 new locations with new concepts

SMAAASH, founded by Indian businessman Shripal Morakhia, has announced its plans to open three new gaming centers with innovative concepts. The company aims to launch these centers within the next three months, introducing unique experiences to the SMAAASH brand.

Avanish Agarwal, the consulting Chief Marketing Officer, shared that SMAAASH has been diligently working on unheard-of concepts. These include new war games featuring realistic guns, advanced feedback systems, and experiments with artificial intelligence, robots, and even drones.

“Although I won’t be able to divulge more information on these things but a new Smaaash is coming soon,” he added.

Currently, SMAAASH has a presence in 21 cities across India, boasting 30 centers spread throughout these locations. The company has gained recognition for its twilight bowling zones, aiming to create comprehensive entertainment hubs catering to all age groups.

SMAAASH recently emerged from a period of turmoil marked by insolvency and ownership transfer. Despite the challenges, the company remains committed to providing top-notch entertainment experiences for its customers.

With the upcoming expansion and introduction of fresh concepts, SMAAASH aims to enhance its reputation as a leading gaming center in India.
